
2017 rocked.

Don’t get me wrong, there were some ugly parts, but y’all it was another year walking amongst this great creation we call earth. Words do not do justice to the ways that my friends shined through this year and were the rocket fuel to some galactic highs. You all rock.


1)    On the darkest days, the sunrise is on the other side.

2)    Hold onto the golden people with everything; but recognize when their luster is gone.

3)    Being called a muleskinner is a compliment.

4)    The illogic of Love will find you all at once.

5)    Things flourish in cold in a way they do in heat.

6)    Passion is rooted in “passere,” Latin for suffer. Passion is suffering.

7)    Later, you will appreciate having more blisters on your feet than skin.


1)    Extend the limits of yourself.

2)    Focus on MAKING CHANCES.

3)    Get closer.

4)    PNW

5)    South/Central America

Some of the special memories and moments from the year (click on an image for full size).